Cologne”, the product has been princi- pally used in the perfume and cosmetics industries. However, in recent times, Bergamot has also found increasing use in the pharmaceutical sector, thanks to its antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties. In 2001, a European Union decree awarded P.D.O. (protected designation of origin) status to “Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria – Olio essenziale”. This decree contains a se- ries of guidelines regarding the cultiva- tion of the fruit, the process of extracting the essential oil and its marketing. It also names the official body responsible for checking and certifying the quality and authenticity of the product. Indeed, a series of specific tests have to be carried out on the “Bergamotto di Reggio Cal- abria – Olio essenziale” before it can be formally certified and marketed.